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Version: v2


What is NativeWind?

NativeWind uses Tailwind CSS as scripting language to create a universal styling system. Styled components can be shared between all React Native platforms, using the best style engine for that platform; CSS StyleSheet on web and StyleSheet.create for native. Its goals are to provide a consistent styling experience across all platforms, improving Developer UX, component performance and code maintainability.

NativeWind processes your styles during your application's build and uses a minimal runtime to selectively apply responsive styles (eg changes to device orientation, color scheme).

Key Features

🌐 Universal Uses the best style system for each platform.

🛠️ Build time Uses the Tailwind CSS compile, styles are generated at build time

🚀 Fast runtime Small runtime keeps everything fast

🖥️ DevUX Plugins for simple setup and improving intellisense support

🔥 Lots of features dark mode / arbitrary classes / media queries / themes / custom values / plugins

Pseudo classes hover / focus / active on compatible components (docs)

👪 Parent state styles automatically style children based upon parent pseudo classes (docs)

What is a universal style system?

A full featured style system should have

  • Static styles
  • UI state styles (active, hover, focus, etc)
  • Responsive styles (media queries, dynamic units)
  • Device state styles (orientation, color scheme)
  • Styling inheritance
  • Use the best rendering engine available

React Native's StyleSheet system only provides static styles, with other features left for the user to implement. By using NativeWind, you can focus on writing your system instead of building your own custom style system.

On web, CSS already has all these features and is highly optimized. While on native mobile environments, NativeWind provides a compatibility layer between React Native and CSS.

This is what makes NativeWind a universal style system - it allows you to use the same components with rich styles on all React Native platforms.

In action

You can use the Babel plugin to instantly start writing code! This will also enable your editor's language support and provide features such as autocomplete with no extra setup!

import { Text } from "react-native";

export function BoldText(props) {
return <Text className="font-bold" {...props} />;

Usage of Babel is optional! You can use the Component API to be more explicit about what gets the styles.

import { Text } from "react-native";
import { styled } from "nativewind";

const StyledText = styled(Text);

export function BoldText(props) {
return <StyledText className="font-bold" {...props} />;

You still have the ability to perform conditional logic and built up complex style objects.

import { Text } from "react-native";

export function MyText({ bold, italic, lineThrough, ...props }) {
const classNames = [];

if (bold) classNames.push("font-bold");
if (italic) classNames.push("italic");
if (lineThrough) classNames.push("line-through");

return <Text className={classNames.join(" ")} {...props} />;

Additional options can improve compatibility with existing RN libraries

import { Text } from "react-native";
import { styled } from "nativewind";
import { Svg, Circle, Rect } from "react-native-svg";

* These components can now use the "stroke" & "fill" props with Tailwind classes
* They will use inline-props on native, and className on web.
const StyledCircle = styled(Circle, { classProps: ["stroke", "fill"] });
const StyledRect = styled(Rect, { classProps: ["stroke", "fill"] });

export function BoldText(props) {
return (
<Svg height="50%" width="50%" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
stroke="stroke-blue-500 stroke-2"
stroke="stroke-red-500 stroke-2"