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Version: v4


This function "tags" components so that when its rendered, the runtime will know to resolve the className strings into styles. You should only use this when:

  • You have a custom native component
  • You are using a third party component that needs the style prop to be resolved
  • You are using a third party component that does not pass all its props to its children


import { cssInterop } from 'nativewind';

// Create a new prop and map it to an existing prop
cssInterop(component, { "new-prop": "existing-prop" });

// Override an existing prop.
cssInterop(component, { "new-prop": true });

// Override an existing prop.
cssInterop(component, {
"new-prop": {
target: "existing-prop", // string or boolean
nativeStyleToProp: {
"style-attribute": "existing-prop",


Here is the mapping using the core component, <TextInput />

cssInterop(TextInput, {
className: {
target: "style", // map className->style
nativeStyleToProp: {
textAlign: true, // extract `textAlign` styles and pass them to the `textAlign` prop
placeholderClassName: {
target: false, // Don't pass this as a prop
nativeStyleToProp: {
color: "placeholderTextColor", // extract `color` and pass it to the `placeholderTextColor`prop
selectionClassName: {
target: false, // Don't pass this as a prop
nativeStyleToProp: {
color: "selectionColor", // extract `color` and pass it to the `selectionColor`prop