Dark Mode
Dark Mode works identically to Tailwind CSS's dark mode. By default it uses Appearance.getColorScheme()
on native and prefers-color-scheme
on web.
Expo apps do not follow the system appearance unless userInterfaceStyle
is set to automatic. Please see the Expo docs for more information.
Manual color scheme control
To manually control the color scheme you will need to enable the class
darkMode strategy.
module.exports = {
darkMode: "class",
// ...
The color scheme can be changed either imperatively or using the hook API.
import { colorScheme, useColorScheme } from "nativewind";
// Use imperatively
colorScheme.set("dark" | "light" | "system");
export default function App() {
// Or as a hook
const { setColorScheme } = useColorScheme();
setColorScheme("dark" | "light" | "system");
Supporting system preference and manual selection
You can follow the Supporting system preference and manual selection instructions to support both system preference and manual selection.
On native, instead of localstorage
you can use a storage solution such as React Native Async Storage and instead of adding classNames to the document, simply call colorScheme.set
with the appropriate value.