As NativeWind uses Tailwind CLI, it supports all the theming options Tailwind CSS does. Read the Tailwind CSS docs on each className to learn more about the possible theming values.
Dynamic themes
To transition from a static theme to a dynamic one in NativeWind, utilize CSS Variables as colors. This approach ensures flexibility and adaptability in theme application, catering to user preferences.
module.exports = {
theme: {
colors: {
// Create a custom color that uses a CSS custom value
primary: "rgb(var(--color-values) / <alpha-value>)",
plugins: [
// Set a default value on the `:root` element
({ addBase }) =>
":root": {
"--color-values": "255 0 0",
"--color-rgb": "rgb(255 0 0)",
import { vars } from 'nativewind'
const userTheme = vars({
'--color-values': '0 255 0',
'--color-rgb': 'rbg(0 0 255)'
export default App() {
return (
<Text className="text-primary">Access as a theme value</Text>
<Text className="text-[--color-rgb]">Or the variable directly</Text>
{/* Variables can be changed inline */}
<View style={userTheme}>
<Text className="text-primary">I am now green!</Text>
<Text className="text-[--color-rgb]">I am now blue!</Text>
Switching themes
NativeWind is unopinionated on how you implement your theming. This is an example implementation that supports two themes with both a light/dark mode.
import { vars, useColorScheme } from 'nativewind'
const themes = {
brand: {
'light': vars({
'--color-primary': 'black'
'--color-secondary': 'white'
'dark': vars({
'--color-primary': 'white'
'--color-secondary': 'dark'
christmas: {
'light': vars({
'--color-primary': 'red'
'--color-secondary': 'green'
'dark': vars({
'--color-primary': 'green'
'--color-secondary': 'red'
function Theme(props) {
const { colorScheme } = useColorScheme()
return (
<View style={themes[][colorScheme]}>
export default App() {
return (
<Theme name="brand">
<View className="text-primary">{/* rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) */}>
<Theme name="christmas">
<View className="text-primary">{/* rgba(255, 0, 0, 1) */}>
Retrieving theme values
Accessing default colors
If you need the default color values at runtime, you can import them directly from tailwindcss
retrieve them directly from tailwindcss/colors
import colors from "tailwindcss/colors";
export function MyActivityIndicator(props) {
return <ActivityIndicator size="small" color={} {...props} />;
Access theme values
If you use custom theme values, extract them to a file that is shared with your code and your tailwind.config.js
. Please read the Tailwind CSS documentation for more information.
module.exports = {
tahiti: {
100: "#cffafe",
200: "#a5f3fc",
300: "#67e8f9",
400: "#22d3ee",
500: "#06b6d4",
600: "#0891b2",
700: "#0e7490",
800: "#155e75",
900: "#164e63",
const colors = require("./colors");
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
import colors from "./colors";
export function MyActivityIndicator(props) {
return <ActivityIndicator color={colors.tahiti.500} {...props} />;
Platform specific theming
platformSelect is the equivalent to
const { platformSelect } = require("nativewind/theme");
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
error: platformSelect({
ios: "red",
android: "blue",
default: "green",
Equivalent of PlatformColor
. Typically used with platformSelect
const { platformColor } = require("nativewind/theme");
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
platformRed: platformSelect({
android: platformColor("systemRed"),
web: "red",
Device specific theming
Equivalent of StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
const { hairlineWidth } = require("nativewind/theme");
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
borderWidth: {
hairline: hairlineWidth(),
Equivalent of PixelRatio.get()
. If a number is provided it returns PixelRatio.get() * <value>
, otherwise it returns the PixelRatio value.
const { pixelRatio } = require("nativewind/theme");
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
borderWidth: {
number: pixelRatio(2),
A helper function to use PixelRatio.get()
in a conditional statement, similar to
const { pixelRatio, hairlineWidth } = require("nativewind/theme");
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
borderWidth: pixelRatioSelect({
2: 1,
default: hairlineWidth(),
Equivalent of PixelRatio.getFontScale()
. If a number is provided it returns PixelRatio.getFontScale() * <value>
, otherwise it returns the PixelRatio.getFontScale()
const { fontScale } = require("nativewind/theme");
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
fontSize: {
custom: fontScale(2),
A helper function to use PixelRatio.getFontScale()
in a conditional statement, similar to
const { fontScaleSelect, hairlineWidth } = require("nativewind/theme");
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
fontSize: {
custom: fontScaleSelect({
2: 14,
default: 16,
Equivalent of PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize()
const { getPixelSizeForLayoutSize } = require("nativewind/theme");
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
size: {
custom: getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(2),
Equivalent of PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel()
const { roundToNearestPixel } = require("nativewind/theme");
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
size: {
custom: roundToNearestPixel(8.4)